La jeune fille errante

La  jeune fille s’adresse à la foule de la gare, ou au groupe de la séquence précédente.

    La jeune fille.- Oui, cette vallée de larmes, moi je vous le dis, il ne faut plus en entendre parler! Que ceux qui ont inventé ce paysage le boivent jusqu’à la dernière goutte! Non, non, on est pas sur la terre pour pleurer, que ce soit dans un mouchoir, un lit, une forêt, un escalier ou un train. Non, les larmes c’est fait pour le jour où l’homme qu’on aime vous dit qu’il vous aime - ou quand le prisonnier se retrouve à  l’air libre. Je dirai même qu’on n’est pas sur la terre pour mourir! Ah! Non! On serait arrivés ici, juste pour mourir! On nous aurait jetés comme une poignée de sel dans la soupe rien que pour nous voir fondre entre les yeux du bouillon. Non! On est ici pour vivre! Oui, pour vous vivre avec du ciel partout, du ciel qu’on pourrait presque toucher, et qu’on verrait palpiter sur les trottoirs et même dans le métro, et même dans son bol de café, et même dans l’eau où on lave le bol de café. Parce que vivre ce n’est pas une habitude, c’est expédition au long cours et bien plus intéressante que de sauter sur la lune où il n’y a que des crevasses et des cailloux blancs, parce que sur la terre on a des boulangers, des lits avec des cuisses entre les cuisses, des musiques de Beethoven, des T-shirts où on tient chaud entre ses deux seins le chanteur qu’on aime, et des bicyclettes pleines de chrome et de couleurs qui ne rouillent pas et qui vous roulent vers celui qu’on aime. Tout ça parce que je me dis que c’est un vrai miracle d’être en vie. De pouvoir écouter le vent faire tourner les étoiles. Que vivre, ça n’arrive pas à tout le monde et que ça serait un crime de croire que la mort est une chose naturelle! Dieu aurait voulu notre mort!? Ça dû lui échapper! Il n’a pas su rattraper le coup. Et il sait bien au fond de lui que de tous les scandales, la mort est le plus dégueulasse des scandales, le plus bordélique … Et ça lui fait honte … Quand j’apprends la mort de quelqu’un, je me dis qu’il y a quelque chose qui s’est coincé au départ.
    Un homme s’approche d’elle, pressé, inquiet.
L’Homme.- On te cherche partout … Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici?
    Apparaît un accordéoniste? Un bandonéoniste ? Un violoniste?
La jeune fille.- Qu’est-ce que tu me veux?
L’Homme.- Les résultats ne sont pas bons.
La jeune fille.- Je rentre à l’hôpital?
L’Homme.- Oui.
La jeune fille.- Quand?
L’Homme.- Le plus tôt possible.
    Elle va vers le musicien, l’embrasse sur la bouche et part avec l’homme.

Par Floriane, le Dimanche 13 décembre 2009 à 1:32
Merci pour ce bel extrait ! J'adhère, j'adore.
Par le Mercredi 20 mai 2015 à 10:00
n'aurais osé le reconnaître, mais à maintes reprises, il est certain que l'immense et l'amour ont déferlé sur tes terres. Puis comme un coup qui t'aurait brisé la nuque, ce brutal retour au quotidien, à la solitude, à la nuit qui n'en finissait pas. Effondrée, hagarde. Incapable de reprendre pieds.
Par le Mercredi 20 mai 2015 à 10:12
Un homme s’approche d’elle, pressé, inquiet.
L’Homme.- On te cherche partout … Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici?
Apparaît un accordéoniste? Un bandonéoniste ? Un violoniste?
Par le Mercredi 10 juin 2015 à 5:53
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Par le Jeudi 11 juin 2015 à 10:18
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Par le Jeudi 11 juin 2015 à 10:32
vMettre dans un plat et décorer avec le speck, les œufs durs en tranches et la fêta.
Par le Lundi 27 juillet 2015 à 11:30
Tout ça parce que je me dis que c’est un vrai miracle d’être en vie. De pouvoir écouter le vent faire tourner les étoiles. Que vivre, ça n’arrive pas à tout le monde et que ça serait un crime de croire que la mort est une chose naturelle! Dieu aurait voulu notre mort!?
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Mettre dans un plat et décorer avec le speck, les œufs durs en tranches et la fêta.
Par le Samedi 19 septembre 2015 à 8:58
La jeune fille.- Oui, cette vallée de larmes, moi je vous le dis, il ne faut plus en entendre parler! Que ceux qui ont inventé ce paysage le boivent jusqu’à la dernière goutte! Non, non, on est pas sur la terre pour pleurer, que ce soit dans un mouchoir, un lit, une forêt, un escalier ou un train.
Par le Samedi 26 septembre 2015 à 9:43
ne fille.- Oui, cette vallée de larmes, moi je vous le dis, il ne faut plus en entendre parler! Que ceux qui ont inventé ce paysage le boivent jusqu’à la dernière goutte! Non, non, on est pas sur la terre pour pleurer, que ce soit dans un mouchoir, un lit, une f
Par le Samedi 10 octobre 2015 à 2:29
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Par le Mardi 17 novembre 2015 à 2:42
Puis comme un coup qui t'aurait brisé la nuque, ce brutal retour au quotidien, à la solitude, à la nuit qui n'en finissait pas.
Par le Vendredi 27 novembre 2015 à 4:54
Par le Mercredi 13 janvier 2016 à 4:03
Par le Jeudi 14 janvier 2016 à 8:37
Se comportait comme une enfant souvent.
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Par le Mardi 10 mai 2016 à 3:47
Que ceux qui ont inventé ce paysage le boivent jusqu’à la dernière goutte!
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pretty desirable post. I simply stumbled upon your blog and desired to say that i've sincerely loved analyzing your blog posts. Any manner i’ll be subscribing in your feed and that i hope you post again soon. Amazing internet site! I adore how it is easy on my eyes it's far. I am wondering how i might be notified whenever a new put up has been made. Searching out greater new updates. Have a top notch day! Thank you for giving me useful data. Please maintain posting suitable records inside the future i'm able to visit you often .
Par 토토배너 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 9:09
that is my first time i go to here and i found such a lot of thrilling stuff in your weblog mainly it is discussion, thank you. This article gives the light wherein we are able to examine the fact. I'm satisfied to find this publish very beneficial for me, as it consists of numerous records. Thanks for all of your help and wishing you all of the success in your classes. Thanks for sharing the content material for any sort of on-line commercial enterprise consultation is the pleasant area to discover in the metropolis.
Par 파워볼사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 9:33
i'm generally to blogging and that i clearly appreciate your content often. This content has truely peaks my interest. I can bookmark your web web page and preserve checking conceivable information. Excellent put up. I examine some thing tougher on awesome blogs everyday. Maximum usually it's far stimulating to peer content off their writers and use a little there. I’d want to apply a few with all the content material on my blog whether you don’t thoughts. Natually i’ll offer you a link on the web blog. Many thank you sharing . I in reality did not realize that. Learnt some thing new these days! Thank you for that. There some interesting points over time here but i don’t understand if i see all of them center to coronary heart. There exists some validity however permit me take maintain opinion till i check out it further. Excellent post , thanks and now we need greater! Covered with feedburner on the identical time -----i’m curious to discover what blog platform you are the usage of? I’m experiencing a few minor safety issues with my modern day website online and i’d want to locate some thing extra comfortable. Do you have any solutions? I’d have were given to speak to you here. Which isn’t a few aspect i do! I revel in analyzing an article that have to get humans to assume. Also, thank you for allowing me to remark! This sort of message constantly inspiring and i opt to read high-quality content material, so glad to discover proper area to many here within the submit, the writing is simply superb, thank you for the submit. Genuinely like your internet site however you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling problems and that i in finding it very bothersome to inform the reality then again i’ll clearly come again once more. Beneficial facts on topics that plenty are involved on for this wonderful submit. Admiring the effort and time you positioned into your b!.. You have got a very excellent format for your blog. I want it to apply on my web page too ,what i don’t understood is in fact how you’re no longer definitely lots more smartly-liked than you may be proper now. You are very smart. You recognise consequently appreciably in terms of this count, produced me for my part believe it from severa various angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be fascinated till it is something to do with girl gaga! Your person stuffs great. At all times address it up! This was novel. I wish i may want to read each post, however i ought to move back to paintings now… however i’ll return. Very first-rate publish, i simply love this internet site, preserve on it
Par ok토토먹튀검증 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 9:55
i do don't forget all the standards you’ve added for your post. They’re very convincing and could absolutely work. However, the posts are too short for starters. Ought to you please prolong them a chunk from next time? Thanks for the post. Very exciting weblog. Alot of blogs i see these days do not certainly offer whatever that i am inquisitive about, but i am maximum definately inquisitive about this one. Just idea that i would put up and allow you to recognize. Thanks for sharing with us, i conceive this website in reality stands out. Remarkable publish, you have got mentioned a few splendid points , i likewise suppose this s a very top notch website. I can installation my new idea from this publish. It offers extensive data. Thanks for this precious facts for all,.. This is this kind of high-quality resource which you are imparting and you supply it away for free. I like seeing blog that recognize the price of imparting a high-quality aid at no cost. In case you don"t thoughts continue with this great paintings and that i expect a extra quantity of your impressive weblog entries. Youre so cool! I dont suppose ive examine whatever which includes this earlier than. So exceptional to get any individual by original thoughts on this issue. Realy thank you for starting this up. This extraordinary website online is a thing that is wanted online, a person with a chunk of originality. Valuable assignment for bringing new stuff on the sector extensive internet! Gratifying posting. It would appear that lots of the stages are depending upon the originality factor. “it’s a humorous element about lifestyles if you refuse to just accept some thing however the best, you very regularly get it beneficial information. Lucky me i found your internet site by means of coincidence, and i am greatly surprised why this coincidence didn’t took place in advance! I bookmarked it. Wonderful illustrated information. I thanks approximately that. No doubt it'll be very beneficial for my future initiatives. Would like to see a few other posts on the identical subject! That is a beneficial point of view, but isn’t make each sence whatsoever handling which mather. Any approach thanks further to i had make the effort to share your modern-day put up directly into delicius but it truely is seemingly an issue the usage of your websites is it feasible to you have to recheck this. Many thanks again. Best publish. I study something more difficult on distinctive blogs normal. It will usually be stimulating to study content material from other writers and practice a little something from their save. I’d favor to use a few with the content on my weblog whether you don’t thoughts. I truely cherished analyzing your blog. It was thoroughly authored and clean to recognize. Not like other blogs i've examine which can be honestly now not that correct. Thank you alot! wow, terrific, i used to be questioning how to remedy zits obviously. And determined your web site by means of google, learned plenty, now i’m a chunk clean. I’ve bookmark your web site and additionally add rss. Maintain us up to date. This is very useful for increasing my expertise on this subject. Im no pro, but i agree with you simply crafted an remarkable point. You certainly recognize what youre talking about, and i will actually get at the back of that. Thank you for being so in advance and so honest. I'm impressed by way of the statistics which you have on this blog. It suggests how well you recognize this difficulty. Wow... What a tremendous weblog, this writter who wrote this newsletter it is realy a top notch blogger, this article so inspiring me to be a better man or woman . Via this submit, i recognize that your suitable understanding in gambling with all the portions turned into very useful. I notify that that is the primary region in which i find issues i've been searching for. You have got a clever yet attractive manner of writing. Cool stuff you have got and you hold overhaul each one of us
Par 007카지노 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 10:16
wow! Thanks! I continually wanted to write on my website online some thing like that. Am i able to encompass a portion of your post to my website? Have you ever puzzled who posts a number of these items that you come upon? Lately it seems to have come to be an epidemic, although it seems to be changing for the higher. Do you settle? Awesome hints and very clean to understand. I just stumbled upon your weblog and wanted to say that i've genuinely loved analyzing your blog posts. I clearly like this post. It's far one of the first-rate posts that i have study in a long term. Thanks loads for this excellent put up.
Par 먹튀사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 10:54
pretty desirable post. I simply stumbled upon your blog and desired to say that i've sincerely loved analyzing your blog posts. Any manner i’ll be subscribing in your feed and that i hope you post again soon. Amazing internet site! I adore how it is easy on my eyes it's far. I am wondering how i might be notified whenever a new put up has been made. Searching out greater new updates. Have a top notch day! Thank you for giving me useful data. Please maintain posting suitable records inside the future i'm able to visit you often .
Par 먹튀매니아 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 11:03
that is my first time i go to here and i found such a lot of thrilling stuff in your weblog mainly it is discussion, thank you. This article gives the light wherein we are able to examine the fact. I'm satisfied to find this publish very beneficial for me, as it consists of numerous records. Thanks for all of your help and wishing you all of the success in your classes. Thanks for sharing the content material for any sort of on-line commercial enterprise consultation is the pleasant area to discover in the metropolis.
Par 안전공원 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 11:20
i'm generally to blogging and that i clearly appreciate your content often. This content has truely peaks my interest. I can bookmark your web web page and preserve checking conceivable information. Excellent put up. I examine some thing tougher on awesome blogs everyday. Maximum usually it's far stimulating to peer content off their writers and use a little there. I’d want to apply a few with all the content material on my blog whether you don’t thoughts. Natually i’ll offer you a link on the web blog. Many thank you sharing . I in reality did not realize that. Learnt some thing new these days! Thank you for that. There some interesting points over time here but i don’t understand if i see all of them center to coronary heart. There exists some validity however permit me take maintain opinion till i check out it further. Excellent post , thanks and now we need greater! Covered with feedburner on the identical time -----i’m curious to discover what blog platform you are the usage of? I’m experiencing a few minor safety issues with my modern day website online and i’d want to locate some thing extra comfortable. Do you have any solutions? I’d have were given to speak to you here. Which isn’t a few aspect i do! I revel in analyzing an article that have to get humans to assume. Also, thank you for allowing me to remark! This sort of message constantly inspiring and i opt to read high-quality content material, so glad to discover proper area to many here within the submit, the writing is simply superb, thank you for the submit. Genuinely like your internet site however you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling problems and that i in finding it very bothersome to inform the reality then again i’ll clearly come again once more. Beneficial facts on topics that plenty are involved on for this wonderful submit. Admiring the effort and time you positioned into your b!.. You have got a very excellent format for your blog. I want it to apply on my web page too ,what i don’t understood is in fact how you’re no longer definitely lots more smartly-liked than you may be proper now. You are very smart. You recognise consequently appreciably in terms of this count, produced me for my part believe it from severa various angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be fascinated till it is something to do with girl gaga! Your person stuffs great. At all times address it up! This was novel. I wish i may want to read each post, however i ought to move back to paintings now… however i’ll return. Very first-rate publish, i simply love this internet site, preserve on it
Par 소울카지노 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 11:45
i'm generally to blogging and that i clearly appreciate your content often. This content has truely peaks my interest. I can bookmark your web web page and preserve checking conceivable information. Excellent put up. I examine some thing tougher on awesome blogs everyday. Maximum usually it's far stimulating to peer content off their writers and use a little there. I’d want to apply a few with all the content material on my blog whether you don’t thoughts. Natually i’ll offer you a link on the web blog. Many thank you sharing . I in reality did not realize that. Learnt some thing new these days! Thank you for that. There some interesting points over time here but i don’t understand if i see all of them center to coronary heart. There exists some validity however permit me take maintain opinion till i check out it further. Excellent post , thanks and now we need greater! Covered with feedburner on the identical time -----i’m curious to discover what blog platform you are the usage of? I’m experiencing a few minor safety issues with my modern day website online and i’d want to locate some thing extra comfortable. Do you have any solutions? I’d have were given to speak to you here. Which isn’t a few aspect i do! I revel in analyzing an article that have to get humans to assume. Also, thank you for allowing me to remark! This sort of message constantly inspiring and i opt to read high-quality content material, so glad to discover proper area to many here within the submit, the writing is simply superb, thank you for the submit. Genuinely like your internet site however you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling problems and that i in finding it very bothersome to inform the reality then again i’ll clearly come again once more. Beneficial facts on topics that plenty are involved on for this wonderful submit. Admiring the effort and time you positioned into your b!.. You have got a very excellent format for your blog. I want it to apply on my web page too ,what i don’t understood is in fact how you’re no longer definitely lots more smartly-liked than you may be proper now. You are very smart. You recognise consequently appreciably in terms of this count, produced me for my part believe it from severa various angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be fascinated till it is something to do with girl gaga! Your person stuffs great. At all times address it up! This was novel. I wish i may want to read each post, however i ought to move back to paintings now… however i’ll return. Very first-rate publish, i simply love this internet site, preserve on it
Par 토토핫 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 11:53
i do don't forget all the standards you’ve added for your post. They’re very convincing and could absolutely work. However, the posts are too short for starters. Ought to you please prolong them a chunk from next time? Thanks for the post. Very exciting weblog. Alot of blogs i see these days do not certainly offer whatever that i am inquisitive about, but i am maximum definately inquisitive about this one. Just idea that i would put up and allow you to recognize. Thanks for sharing with us, i conceive this website in reality stands out. Remarkable publish, you have got mentioned a few splendid points , i likewise suppose this s a very top notch website. I can installation my new idea from this publish. It offers extensive data. Thanks for this precious facts for all,.. This is this kind of high-quality resource which you are imparting and you supply it away for free. I like seeing blog that recognize the price of imparting a high-quality aid at no cost. In case you don"t thoughts continue with this great paintings and that i expect a extra quantity of your impressive weblog entries. Youre so cool! I dont suppose ive examine whatever which includes this earlier than. So exceptional to get any individual by original thoughts on this issue. Realy thank you for starting this up. This extraordinary website online is a thing that is wanted online, a person with a chunk of originality. Valuable assignment for bringing new stuff on the sector extensive internet! Gratifying posting. It would appear that lots of the stages are depending upon the originality factor. “it’s a humorous element about lifestyles if you refuse to just accept some thing however the best, you very regularly get it beneficial information. Lucky me i found your internet site by means of coincidence, and i am greatly surprised why this coincidence didn’t took place in advance! I bookmarked it. Wonderful illustrated information. I thanks approximately that. No doubt it'll be very beneficial for my future initiatives. Would like to see a few other posts on the identical subject! That is a beneficial point of view, but isn’t make each sence whatsoever handling which mather. Any approach thanks further to i had make the effort to share your modern-day put up directly into delicius but it truely is seemingly an issue the usage of your websites is it feasible to you have to recheck this. Many thanks again. Best publish. I study something more difficult on distinctive blogs normal. It will usually be stimulating to study content material from other writers and practice a little something from their save. I’d favor to use a few with the content on my weblog whether you don’t thoughts. I truely cherished analyzing your blog. It was thoroughly authored and clean to recognize. Not like other blogs i've examine which can be honestly now not that correct. Thank you alot! wow, terrific, i used to be questioning how to remedy zits obviously. And determined your web site by means of google, learned plenty, now i’m a chunk clean. I’ve bookmark your web site and additionally add rss. Maintain us up to date. This is very useful for increasing my expertise on this subject. Im no pro, but i agree with you simply crafted an remarkable point. You certainly recognize what youre talking about, and i will actually get at the back of that. Thank you for being so in advance and so honest. I'm impressed by way of the statistics which you have on this blog. It suggests how well you recognize this difficulty. Wow... What a tremendous weblog, this writter who wrote this newsletter it is realy a top notch blogger, this article so inspiring me to be a better man or woman . Via this submit, i recognize that your suitable understanding in gambling with all the portions turned into very useful. I notify that that is the primary region in which i find issues i've been searching for. You have got a clever yet attractive manner of writing. Cool stuff you have got and you hold overhaul each one of us
Par 메이저공원 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 12:07
wow! Thanks! I continually wanted to write on my website online some thing like that. Am i able to encompass a portion of your post to my website? Have you ever puzzled who posts a number of these items that you come upon? Lately it seems to have come to be an epidemic, although it seems to be changing for the higher. Do you settle? Awesome hints and very clean to understand. I just stumbled upon your weblog and wanted to say that i've genuinely loved analyzing your blog posts. I clearly like this post. It's far one of the first-rate posts that i have study in a long term. Thanks loads for this excellent put up.
Par 카지노사이트추천 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 12:21
youre so cool! I dont think ive examine anything just like this previous to. So quality to discover any person with some sional, but i remember you simply made the excellent factor. You clearly kno
Par 온라인카지노 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 12:24
pretty desirable post. I simply stumbled upon your blog and desired to say that i've sincerely loved analyzing your blog posts. Any manner i’ll be subscribing in your feed and that i hope you post again soon. Amazing internet site! I adore how it is easy on my eyes it's far. I am wondering how i might be notified whenever a new put up has been made. Searching out greater new updates. Have a top notch day! Thank you for giving me useful data. Please maintain posting suitable records inside the future i'm able to visit you often .
Par 먹튀사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 12:31
that is my first time i go to here and i found such a lot of thrilling stuff in your weblog mainly it is discussion, thank you. This article gives the light wherein we are able to examine the fact. I'm satisfied to find this publish very beneficial for me, as it consists of numerous records. Thanks for all of your help and wishing you all of the success in your classes. Thanks for sharing the content material for any sort of on-line commercial enterprise consultation is the pleasant area to discover in the metropolis.
Par 사설토토 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 12:45
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This put up offers simply fine records. I’m virtually going to look at it. Surely very useful recommendations are provided right here. Thanks so much. Preserve up the coolest works . Such a totally beneficial article. Very interesting to study this newsletter. I would really like to thank you for the efforts you had made for scripting this fantastic article. I love your writing a lot! Proportion we communicate greater about your put up on aol? I want a expert in this house to clear up my trouble. Can be that is you! Taking a sit up for see you. Hmm is absolutely everyone else experiencing troubles with the photographs on this blog loading? I’m attempting to find out if its a problem on my give up or if it’s the blog. Any feed-again would be substantially liked. love your blog.. Thank you for sharing. Such an splendid and informative publish. Love the way you write.. Maintain going the coolest work. Lovr your web page . 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Useful purpose of bringing exciting matters to the net . Thank you for taking the time to discuss this, i feel strongly about it and adore getting to know extra in this topic. An interesting talk is value comment. I accept as true with that it's far nice to jot down more in this remember, it may not be a taboo subject however commonly men and women are not enough to talk on such topics. many thank you for putting up this post, i experience each person will thank you for that. Am i able to these days say thats a alleviation to find a person who in truth knows what theyre preaching about on line. You in reality realize a way to carry a undertaking to light making it critical. More human beings ought to take a look at out this and spot why aspect of the tale. I cant believe youre no greater famous in reality due to the fact you clearly own the present. I used to be recommended this web web site by my cousin. I’m not positive whether or not this placed up is written via him as no one else recognize such precise about my trouble. You’re top notch! Thank you! I experience the useful information you offer for your articles. Incredible blog! I dont assume ive visible all of the angles of this situation the way youve pointed them out. Youre a true famous person, a rock celebrity guy. Youve were given a lot to mention and have a whole lot of information
Par 토토커뮤니티 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 13:03
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Par ufabet369 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 13:12
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Par 안전토토사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 13:19
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Par 안전토토사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 13:46
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Par 토토사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 13:51
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Par 먹튀사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 14:34
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Par 입플사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 15:02
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Par 메이트카지노 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 15:25
complete thumbs up for this magneficent article of yours. I have simply enjoyed analyzing this article today and i think this might be one of the best article that i have study but. Please, preserve this paintings going on inside the same exceptional. you truely make it look so clean along with your performance however i locate this matter to be simply something which i think i would in no way recognize. It appears too complicated and extraordinarily wide for me. I am searching forward to your subsequent post, i’ll try to get the hold of it! Wow, awesome, i was thinking the way to treatment acne certainly. And observed your web page by using google, discovered a lot, now i’m a bit clear. I’ve bookmark your website and additionally upload rss. Preserve us updated. This put up is quite simple to examine and appreciate with out leaving any information out. Notable paintings! Thank you for this text, i advise you in case you want excursion corporation this is fine agency for toursits in dubai. This is an terrific put up i seen way to percentage it. Quite good post. I simply stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that i've in reality loved studying your weblog posts. Any way i will be subscribing in your feed and i hope you submit again soon. Massive thanks for the useful info. I found your this submit at the same time as looking for records approximately weblog-associated research ... It's a very good put up .. Preserve posting and updating records. I suppose that thanks for the valuabe information and insights you have got so provided right here. It's miles a exceptional website.. The design seems superb.. Keep running like that! I desired to thank you for this top notch examine!! I without a doubt loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new belongings you submit. It became a excellent publish certainly. I very well loved studying it in my lunch time. Will genuinely come and visit this blog extra often. Thank you for sharing. Absolutely first-rate and thrilling post. I was seeking out this kind of data and loved studying this one. Maintain posting. Thank you for sharing. This publish is right sufficient to make anyone understand this top notch factor, and i’m certain anyone will respect this thrilling things. I just located this weblog and feature excessive hopes for it to hold. Preserve up the high-quality paintings, its hard to locate correct ones. I have introduced to my favorites. Thanks. I found this content is very beneficial. Your article will be very useful for all of us. It is particularly catastrophe emergency package useful and extremely useful and that i extremely took in a great deal from it. Thank you for sharing. I truely like your writing fashion, remarkable information, thankyou for posting. Quite proper put up. I simply stumbled upon your blog and desired to say that i've clearly loved reading your weblog put up. Its a incredible satisfaction studying your publish. I would simply like to help recognize it with the efforts you get with writing this post. Thanks for sharing. I found your this publish at the same time as searching for statistics about blog-associated studies ... It's an excellent submit .. Maintain posting and updating statistics. I can see which you are an professional at your discipline! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very beneficial for me.. Thanks for all your assist and wishing you all of the achievement for your enterprise. This is a extraordinary article thanks for sharing this informative records. I'm able to visit your weblog regularly for some contemporary submit. I will go to your weblog frequently for some modern submit. You have got completed a superb job on this newsletter
Par 토토배너 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 15:43
i surely desired to say thanks once more. I'm no longer certain the matters i might’ve made to show up in the absence of the hints discussed by you over such region. Entirely turned into an absolute horrifying subject in my position, but being capable of view the properly-written avenue you solved that forced me to jump for fulfillment. Now i'm grateful for your assistance and as properly , hope you're privy to a extraordinary activity you occur to be engaging in teaching humans nowadays using your websites. I'm certain you have got by no means encountered any folks. High-quality post. I discover a few component tons more difficult on various blogs normal. Most usually it is stimulating to have a look at content material from other writers and exercising a specific aspect from their internet site. I’d opt to follow positive while using the content on this little blog whether or not or now not you do not thoughts. Natually i’ll offer a link on your personal net blog. Respect your sharing. I'm curious to discover what blog system you're working with? I’m experiencing some small safety issues with my trendy website and i would love to discover something greater relaxed. Tremendous weblog you have got right here but i was questioning if you knew of any boards that cover the same topics mentioned right here? I’d in reality like to be part of institution where i will get recommendation from other informed individuals that share the identical interest. When you have any tips, please permit me recognize. Thank you! Thanks for the coolest critique. Me & my pal had been simply preparing to perform a little studies about this. We got a e-book from our vicinity library however i suppose i’ve discovered more from this post. I’m very glad to look such fantastic information being shared freely accessible…
Par 먹튀제보 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 15:59
i'm generally to blogging and that i clearly appreciate your content often. This content has truely peaks my interest. I can bookmark your web web page and preserve checking conceivable information. Excellent put up. I examine some thing tougher on awesome blogs everyday. Maximum usually it's far stimulating to peer content off their writers and use a little there. I’d want to apply a few with all the content material on my blog whether you don’t thoughts. Natually i’ll offer you a link on the web blog. Many thank you sharing . I in reality did not realize that. Learnt some thing new these days! Thank you for that. There some interesting points over time here but i don’t understand if i see all of them center to coronary heart. There exists some validity however permit me take maintain opinion till i check out it further. Excellent post , thanks and now we need greater! Covered with feedburner on the identical time -----i’m curious to discover what blog platform you are the usage of? I’m experiencing a few minor safety issues with my modern day website online and i’d want to locate some thing extra comfortable. Do you have any solutions? I’d have were given to speak to you here. Which isn’t a few aspect i do! I revel in analyzing an article that have to get humans to assume. Also, thank you for allowing me to remark! This sort of message constantly inspiring and i opt to read high-quality content material, so glad to discover proper area to many here within the submit, the writing is simply superb, thank you for the submit. Genuinely like your internet site however you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling problems and that i in finding it very bothersome to inform the reality then again i’ll clearly come again once more. Beneficial facts on topics that plenty are involved on for this wonderful submit. Admiring the effort and time you positioned into your b!.. You have got a very excellent format for your blog. I want it to apply on my web page too ,what i don’t understood is in fact how you’re no longer definitely lots more smartly-liked than you may be proper now. You are very smart. You recognise consequently appreciably in terms of this count, produced me for my part believe it from severa various angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be fascinated till it is something to do with girl gaga! Your person stuffs great. At all times address it up! This was novel. I wish i may want to read each post, however i ought to move back to paintings now… however i’ll return. Very first-rate publish, i simply love this internet site, preserve on it
Par 사설토토사이트 le Mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 16:31
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Par markpapi100 le Jeudi 13 juin 2024 à 4:34
Costo Patente B?

Approssimativamente, e considerando che le tariffe delle scuola guide possono anche di molto, il costo finale per una patent B if aggira in media sui 1.200 euro, considering corsi completi e qualche ora di guida in più rispetto a que obligatorie che come abbiamo detto sono molto spesso insufficienti.

La patente di guida categoria B, detta anche patente internazionale, permette di guidare tutti i veicoli di massa non superiore a 3.500 kg, esclusi i motoveicoli, le ciclomotori e i ciclomotori a due ruote.

La patente di guida B è un documento di riconoscimento rilasciato a tutti i cittadini maggiorenni, con il quale è possibile guidare veicoli a due o più ruote. Sono considerati veicoli a due o più ruote tutti quelli che hanno almeno due ruote motrici e sono propulsi da un mot.

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la Patente B per la guida delle automobili, così comme la A, va rinnovata ogni 10 anni fino al raggiungimento dei 50 anni di età, ogni 5 anni per età compresa tra 50 e 70 anni, ogni 3 anni tra i 70 e gli 80 anni e ogni 2 anni dopo gli 80 anni.
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